Thursday, 11 February 2016

This is a post for both my colleagues in the health service, doctors included, and the public, so I thank you for taking the time to listen and let me explain what’s going on with this junior doctor contract dispute.

First of all, what actually IS a junior doctor?

The simple answer is, any doctor who is not a consultant. That means, in some specialties such neurology, ITU, or haematology, a doctor leaving medical school can take over FIFTEEN YEARS as a junior doctor. The first four years sees us progressing through the ranks of the two Foundation Years – that is, years to rotate around medical and surgical jobs, followed by two years as what we call a Core Trainee, in basically either a medical or surgical field. By this time we are what used to be called “Senior House Officers”. After this, we choose a specialty that we want to stay in – we’re called Registrars at that point, until we qualify at the other end, sometimes more than ten years later, as a Consultant. Only then are we no longer junior doctors. So you can see why there’s about 54,000 of us in the UK!

So what’s the latest news about the industrial dispute?

You may have heard that today the government announced its intentions to forcibly impose a new contract on junior doctors, despite months of negotiations by NHS England, and the BMA, the British Medical Association. On the face of it this seems like a final blow to doctors, a nail in the coffin. However it is really only another step in the government’s plan to chip away at the resolve and morale of doctors across the country. This fight is by no means over yet!! We doctors are 100% resolved to fight tooth and nail to ensure the safety of our patients, the future of our profession and ultimately, the future of the NHS. One little word from the government at this juncture may be enough to dampen our spirits temporarily, but it is not going to stop us from fighting for what we believe is right, safe and fair – it is not going to take the wind out of our sails. To my fellow colleagues, don’t despair, they haven’t heard the end of it yet. To people viewing this who aren’t doctors, we’re not doing this lightly, there’s a lot more to this than meets the eye.

If you have the time, please bear with me as I try to explain as best I can, what is truly going on in this crazy dispute.

So what is all this nonsense about anyway?

This dispute dates back to well into the last government. A panel was commissioned, the Doctors and Dentists Review Body, the DDRB, to look into the working hours and pay of junior doctors and consultants within the health service. As long ago as July 2013 the BMA’s Junior Doctors Council, the JDC, entered negotiations to hammer out key agreements for a new contract to include topics such as: 
  • What is defined by “normal” working hours?
  • What safeguards and financial could be put in place to prevent doctors working well beyond their rostered hours?
  • What model of pay could be used to recognise progression through the career of a junior doctor?

Unfortunately, by the end of October 2014, the government via the DDRB failed to come up with an agreement with the BMA around safeguarding and welfare measures. At this point the government refused to “negotiate” the details of the contract it wanted to be imposed, but instead invited the BMA to sit around the table to discuss the method of actually imposing the contract itself. Of course that was ludicrous, as doctors at the time had voted unanimously that the contract as it stood was totally unsafe and unfair.

Before I continue with what’s happened, it is necessary to explain how a doctor’s current contract is made up. It’s a complicated system and the press have never quite got the hang of it, so I shall do my best!

Like any permanent job, we have our basic rate of pay. This is currently decided upon by both rank (i.e. Foundation Year, Core Trainee, Specialist Registrar), and year of service at that rank. For a first year junior doctor, this is currently twenty-two thousand, six hundred and thirty six pounds. Added to the basic pay is what is called a banding. This is a percentage of our basic wage added on, normally between 10 and 50 percent, which depends on how many hours, how many evening, weekend and night shifts that we are allocated to work over a three-month period. Those who rarely work outside of normal working hours, and work only thirty seven and a half hours a week, will find themselves “unbanded”, that is to say, basic rate only. Those on something like an A&E rotation, requiring many weekends and night shifts at work, will find themselves on a 1A banding, receiving an extra 50% on top of their basic pay.

Seems fair so far?

It might be interesting to note, though, that we cannot claim overtime. Our rostered hours are merely a portion of the hours we actually put in. Only a few lucky specialties can say they finish every day on time – some doctors working on the busier, shall we say, more hectic and under-staffed, specialties, such as gastrointestinal surgery, or geriatrics, can find themselves regularly working two to three hours extra to each shift, and can claim no overtime for these. The safeguard in the current system to prevent this happening too much is called “monitoring”, where one’s true hours can be entered into a spreadsheet over a one month period throughout the year, and if they are found to be far over and above those which were rostered to you, the banding that I mentioned earlier will be changed for that particular job for you and any successors on the same job.

As I said – it’s a very complicated system!

So, why is all of that important?

The recommendations by the DDRB in its July 2015 contract proposals document saw the end of banding, the end of annual pay increments and the end of the monitoring system as we knew it; they even went as far as to redefine “normal” working hours to include Saturdays and evenings up to 10pm – previously this was until 7pm. The end of banding alone saw a potential reduction in pay for some doctors of up to 50% of their wages – imagine trying to explain that to your mortgage company!

These proposals, and the fact that the government was refusing to negotiate anything other than how to actually impose the contract, brought the BMA to balloting its members for industrial action: there really was no more negotiating possible at this point. Out of thirty seven thousand, one hundred and fifty five BMA junior doctors balloted, 76% of junior doctors responded – ninety-nine point four said they would partake in any action short of striking, and an overwhelming ninety-eight percent voted that they would be prepared to take part in strike action. The action was always to force the government to re-enter negotiations about the contents of the proposed contract.

The first strikes were set for December, the first two were to be for junior doctors not covering emergencies, and one full withdrawal of service, including junior doctors in emergency areas. You may remember that at the very last minute, before the first strike was due to take place, the government finally accepted the BMA’s offer to re-enter negotiations, with the help of the industrial conciliatory service ACAS. We called off the strikes as a result – they had done their job without even being needed! So we thought.

Over the Christmas period, the two parties battled out the finer details of the proposed contract, and we all waited with bated breath for an announcement that they’d sorted it all out. Unfortunately, such an announcement never came. Talks broke down. On the 4th of January doctors were disappointed to learn that the government had barely budged on its position.

They had, though, started a campaign of spin against us by this point. By using the ridiculous complexities of our current contracts against us, they’d started to convince the public that we were simply rejecting a pay RISE! (HAH!). They had chosen to ignore the fact they were cutting out banding – that 30 to 50% of our pay that I mentioned earlier – and instead focussed on giving us an 11% rise to our basic salaries. Also they (and by They I mean their figurehead, Jeremy Hunt) had decided to mis-quote an article by Nick Freemantle in the British Medical Journal and push the message that patients were more likely to die on a weekend. He also decided to push out that stroke patients had a 20% more chance of dying if admitted on a weekend.

Doctors were furious!

We knew that the statistics had been totally misinterpreted for the benefit of arguing their point. It’s like me doing a survey about sunburn and ice-creams – we know that in hot weather, people eat more ice-cream, and some people get sunburnt – the government would see this statistic and conclude that ice-creams cause sunburn! 

Of course, that’s blatantly wrong. 

The same applies to the weekend argument. Yes, there is evidence that worse patient outcomes occur on weekend admissions, and yes there is evidence that you are more likely to die of a stroke if you are admitted on a weekend. However, the key point here is that there is nowhere, and I mean no evidence at all, that the cause of these deaths are in any way related to the staffing levels in a hospital on the weekend. The most likely probably explanation, is that people don’t tend to seek healthcare on a weekend, the only days they have off in a week, and so the ones who do really fall ill are the ones more likely to attend – the same ones, therefore, more likely to not do so well out of their hospital stay. 

Anyway, I digress.

The first strike of British doctors since 1975 happened on the 8th of January 2016. Tens of thousands of junior doctors throughout hundreds of hospitals in England took up positions on picket lines and hosted impromptu “meet the doctors” campaigns in their local town centres to spread the message of the ridiculous, unsafe and unfair contract offering by the government. Consultants and our non-training colleagues remained in the hospitals to cover for us as we fought our corner. Emergency services still ran, the wards were still manned, A&Es stayed open and patients were still treated throughout the day. We made front page news across the country, and possibly around the world. Our colleagues in hospital, in the community, and members of the public were overwhelmingly supportive of us in our strikes. “Support the Doctors” stickers and lanyards were seen all over the place! 

A few people stopped us to express their disgust at what we were doing, but the vast majority of these, on actually hearing what we had to say about the situation as opposed to believing what they read in the press, actually walked away touting a sticker and signing our petitions themselves.
Yes, operations were cancelled, yes, outpatient appointments were postponed. 

I know I speak for all doctors when I say we thoroughly regret any inconvenience caused to our patients as a result of having to take industrial action. But let it be a fact that we did not do it lightly. If we had any other way to stop a dangerous, unsafe and unfair contract being imposed, we would do it in a heartbeat. But without taking a stand and causing disruption now, we would be doing the whole service an injustice by letting changes happen which will cause far greater disruption, far worse service, and far more dangerous working environments in the future.

We thought that the government had actually started to listen to us in what we were asking for by the next strike, scheduled for the following fortnight at the end of January. It was called off with plenty of time to spare, to the relief of us all, and we were told that the parties had returned to the negotiation table. Unfortunately history repeated itself, and by the beginning of February we were told that the action was back on. However, in what was considered a good move by the BMA, this action on February 10th was downgraded from what was initially intended to be a FULL withdrawal of service, including junior doctors in emergency departments and on emergency cover roles, to one identical to that which took place a month beforehand.

Why did this get changed to allow emergency cover? The simple answer is, we listened. We listened to the concerns of the public, our patients, our hospital managers, our fellow juniors and our consultants – a full withdrawal of service would put tremendous strain on the hospitals, and whilst as much as possible would be done by the hospitals the reduce the impact on patients and their safety, there is obviously a greater danger in a full walk-out than one that still provides basic Christmas Day level cover.

So where are we now?

The government today released a plan to forcibly impose a new contract on Junior Doctors in England, commencing November this year. It is different than the one that was proposed back in October 2015, but it is still a long way off being safe, being fair, being respectful, to doctors and their patients in future. A lot of progress was made behind the scenes at ACAS, between the BMA and NHS England – some great ideas came about regarding working hours, regarding being paid for what hours doctors actually work, for provisions to prevent doctors being abused and forced to work every weekend under the sun. However, there is still a long way to go by both parties, before an acceptable proposition is created. The government’s decision to forcibly impose this contract at this juncture, despite the ongoing good work of the negotiating parties, is a blow to us in the medical profession, it sends the message that they really don’t care about our concerns – it’s not just about getting Saturday off to socialise, or getting paid more – I hope you can see there’s a lot more to it than meets the eye.

What’s next?

This is not the end of the road. The news of the forced imposition of the contract has riled up even the more passive of our workforce. Talk about waving a red rag to a bull! I expect, regretfully, that this is not the end of the story, it’s not the end of industrial action by doctors. To my colleagues I say for goodness sake don’t give up yet – keep those energy levels high, because we’re going to need them if we are to continue engaging in this fight against what we know will result in an unsafe, nay dangerous, and unfair contract. 

To members of the public I say thank you so much for continuing to support us, it’s not easy to know who to believe in the tide of media releases for and against us. 

But rest assured we didn’t enter into this profession to be rich, for fame, to cause trouble. 

We entered into this profession because we care – we give a damn – we want the best for all of our patients today, tomorrow, and for the foreseeable future. Please stand with us as we fight for what we know is right. 

Together we can do this. 

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Supplementary Blog: Post-elective write-up

So this is a write-up report for USM based on a proforma by UEA; apologies for its somewhat note-like format, it was meant to be 800 words shorter than it actually is!!

Post-elective feedback

Name: James Rowson
Elective country: Malaysia
Elective hospital: Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kota Bharu, Kelantan
Elective dates: 5th May – 17th June 2014
Elective department: Neuroscience/neurosurgery

What did you do during your elective?

My elective in Malaysia was split into a sightseeing/cultural holiday with my girlfriend Emma and then the elective proper at HUSM. Emma and I had visited Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, the island of Langkawi and finally the town of Kota Bharu over a 3-week period; I would stay on in Kota Bharu after Emma’s departure, staying with my Aunty there.

Within the hospital, my elective consisted of three distinct blocks: a two-week period of time spent with the neurosurgery team of registrars and consultants, within the ICU and wards and in the operating theatres; a two-week period following the local 4th year medical students through their neuroscience and neurosurgery posting, including ward rounds, clinics and lectures; and a two-week period of helping my supervisor with a research project, and getting a bit of experience with community rehabilitation teams.

During my time in Kota Bharu I was lucky enough to be invited to a traditional Chinese wedding of a distant family member in the town of Kuantan, two states away, and also to be involved with the local Anglican church which my 8th Aunty’s family attends, where I volunteered to play piano for the four services I would attend!

What was good about your elective?

It’s impossible to put into words how great I found my time in Malaysia, from cultural enlightenment to learning about the healthcare and education system here. Even though my first couple of weeks got off to a shaky start owing to poor communication between the Medical School and Neuroscience Department, I was accepted into the team of consultants, registrars and juniors incredibly quickly, and where possible allowed to shadow and get involved, even assisting in a craniotomy on my first day!  

The medical students were incredibly welcoming, I had no problem fitting into their group, they invited me to play tabletennis, badminton and even music and a bit of salsa dancing with them – added to the fact I never had to buy my own lunch during that two week period with them!

A good photo with my good friends of USM Year 4 medicine's Group 4
Outside of my time with the neurosurgical team and the medical students my advisor Dr Muzaimi was very forthcoming in helping me achieve the aims of my placement, involving exposure to the community/rehabilitation side of Malaysian healthcare, placing me with a couple of community occupational therapists and letting me spend some time with a group of St John Ambulance nurses (paid) in a nursing home, a rare establishment in the usually family-based care Malaysia.

A morning spent with the St John Ambulance nursing home nurses and patients

What was challenging/eye opening?

My first exposure to Malaysian healthcare was a social call to an old friend of my mother’s with peripheral vascular disease and severe foot ulcers – it was immediately apparent that there was little if no communication between doctor and patient, this poor lady had no idea why she was on her drugs (ibuprofen, gabapentin) and why her ulcers existed, let alone how to cure them! I took her ICE (ideas, concerns, expectations) and following information giving we derived a plan to help her comply with her medications (she’d thought the gabapentin was to replace the ibuprofen) and change her lifestyle to help heal the ulcers (she hadn’t been told to not walk around!).  

Also before my official elective start, I saw my uncle who’d had a sub-arachnoid haemorrhage and then further stroke two years back; he was wheelchair-bound, totally aphasic, and unable to care for himself. I was shocked to find that he’d received no physiotherapy due to there existing no services to bring him to the local centre; also nobody had informed the family about stroke and its rehabilitation! I visited with my cousin (physiotherapist) and girlfriend (psychology masters student) and tried to answer the family’s questions about stroke, and give some tips as to how to communicate and let him develop some sense of independence (he could feed and swallow). We were fully aware that we didn’t want to be that distant relative who swans in and claims “you’re doing it all wrong!” to the full-time carers though.

ANOTHER uncle of mine, during my stay here, had an emergency admission for a strangulated inguinal hernia, which had been grumbling for months beforehand. I was not part of his care initially but with my mother, a retired nurse, simply advised his immediate family to attend A&E immediately should he feel pain and experience nausea. It turned out that he had indeed been experiencing pain and nausea for some time, but did not tell us this: his wife, my aunty, traditionally Chinese educated and more of a believer in mystics than medics (especially Western ones) had dismissed multiple vomiting episodes as “food poisoning” and refused to admit him to hospital. He was brought as an emergency admission to a small district hospital A&E while we were out of the state, and another eye-opening experience of the system confronted us – his receiving hospital was staffed only by general medics/surgeons, the experts were 50km away at USM; he would receive more expert treatment at USM, but apparently there was no facility to transfer him to there, irrespective of the emergency. We could take him there “at own risk” via self-discharge and a car, on the long and bumpy road to Kota Bharu, or he could stay on the emergency operating list at Tanah Merah hospital. We all discussed the options in detail at his bedside, opting to remain at Tanah Merah. He was operated on and made a good recovery, but it took me using my “UK Medical Student” status to get access to his notes before the family were any the wiser as to what had happened and what the future had in store for him.

Within the hospital I was shocked by several things regarding neurosurgery in Kelantan state. Firstly, how many head traumas there are as a result of poor (if any) motorcycling/driving instruction (Malaysia requires FOUR HOURS on-road experience for tests for car or bike drivers, made even easier with a “few extra Ringgit” in the examiner’s pocket), secondly how many of these head traumas are children, often either riding the bikes or sandwiched between parents, no helmets on of course – the youngest I saw was a 6-month old with fractured C3/4 and diaphragmatic paralysis, ventilated indefinitely with a neck brace in-situ. What a waste of life.

I was surprised at the shocking amount of work the registrars have to do – easily over 100h per week, like our old system in the UK before common sense took over; for a state the size of Norfolk there were only two registrars, each covering 1 in 2 on-calls and still working the next day. Just imagine the headlines in England! They were absolutely exhausted, albeit still incredibly friendly and helpful; one of them was suffering from Dengue fever while I was there, coming to work wearing a facemask, with a fever raging. “Life is cheap in Malaysia” said one, forced to choose between attending a new arrival in A&E and an dealing with an emergency patient on the operating table, both with a good chance of living but one would die later solely as a result of staff shortage. The relatives would never sue the hospital or the government for this; the media would never write an exposé.

Post-ward round makan with the neurosurgical team
Negative feedback is still practised in Malaysian education – something that would have British students running to their student union! On asking, they claim they prefer it, as it makes them work hard not just for praise (which is given if deserved) but also to avoid being publicly criticised. “Your presentation was not as good as the last person’s” – met with a stoic nod, acceptance, and the desire to do better next time.
It is interesting to be part of a medical school whose students are simply marked as pass/fail – there is a noticeable lack of competition among the cohort, even though USM is one of Malaysia’s top medical schools! When asked, the students said “we just want to pass” – I don’t blame them; they’re required to do 24h on-calls the day of exams, and complete assignments during assessment weeks, fitting this in between 70-hour weeks (including weekends). We’re very lucky in the UK!

Community and Family Case Studies (CFCS) is a module undertaken by 4th years here, involving identifying a patient with a long-term illness (e.g. hepatitis) and visiting their home several times to ascertain the patient’s understanding of the condition, and perform steps to improve this and their quality of life. Students make flyers/pamphlets with information, perform information-giving, and even step-in to provide environmental changes e.g. buying non-slip matting, altering the patient’s home environment to make it safer. CFCS is a great way for students to appreciate living with a disease, especially Ideas, Concerns and Expectations, and to get a feel for the lives of those much less privileged than them; however CFCS patients are “tempted” into enrolling via a controversial “Blue Card” syetem, allowing them to receive free healthcare only during the CFCS module, great at the time but then its withdrawal basically saying “that’s what you could have had”.

Malaysian hospital facilities are first-world, despite being in a somewhat "third world" environment; the operating theatre doors were in dire need of replacement, but within the neurosurgical theatre stood a brand new million-Ringgit Carl Zeiss microscope connected to twin HD Plasma TVs within! All the while, cats roamed freely around the general surgical ward, and cracked toilets with broken flushes and flooded floors were shared by staff and patients alike.

"A third-world operating theatre" said one member of staff. Maybe so - but with Carl Zeiss microscopes!
These eye-openers aside, I must reiterate that the Malaysian healthcare system is not a bad one. I would not be afraid to be a patient there, admittedly so long as I wasn't suffering from head trauma on a rainy day. The doctors are highly trained and highly knowledgeable, frustrated with the system but still caring and doing the best for their patients; the nurses are attentive and caring, despite requiring patients' relatives on-hand for 24-hours a day to assist with basic care needs.

What did you learn from the elective, and how will this help in your future career?

The most important thing I learnt on elective was how crucial it is to recognise a patient’s ideas, concerns and expectations, and how imperative it is to communicate well with patients. Medicine in the UK has come a long way in the last few years, with huge improvements in the doctor-patient relationship; patients in Malaysia just say “yes doctor” and do what they’re told, ranging from taking antibiotics (as happened to me following a bout of otitis media) or having potentially life-changing brain surgery. Experiencing this first-hand has made a definite impact on how I will practice in the future, I already believe in the power of ICE and RAV, but this has definitely reinforced such opinions.

I of course learnt about neuroscience and neurosurgery thanks to my 4 weeks with the team, and learnt how lucky we are in the UK even down to having Patient Transport Services available for those hard-to-reach patients in the distant villages.

What were the benefits of your elective to you and the host institution/community?

Academically this elective allowed me to reach my learning objectives stated at the beginning, I learnt a lot about neurology, neurosurgery and neuroscience, and even had extra learning in the form of helping out with research, and some exposure to occupational therapy. I benefited from discovering another country’s health system, and this has reinforced my keenness to not take the National Health Service for granted – it is a phenomenal institution, one that would be criminal to lose. Free at the point of access, yet providing high-quality doctors trained in communication skills as well as detailed knowledge about medicine and science, so the patients can benefit as much as possible from interacting with the service.

Hopefully my fellow students in Malaysia will take away me drumming away about Ideas Concerns and Expectations, I have even shared my UEA Communication Skills notes with them! They had been taught it, they admitted, but a long time ago. I hope that I was a help more than a hindrance to the staff at USM, I helped out on the ward rounds where I could and tried not to get in the way too much! I would have liked to help out more, but hope I did enough. For the community I hope I answered medical questions to those who asked them/needed them answering, including my uncles and my aunty’s friend (who got much better!); I also hope that the church community enjoyed my piano playing for them as much as I enjoyed playing for them!

A great time spent playing music with the band of St Martins Church

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Blog 26: 14th May 2014. Neurosurgery isn't all about glamour

**MEDICAL BLOG - Don't read if squeamish!**

This was the beginning of a short week, following my four-day weekend. It had thundered overnight, though not nearly as ferociously as the storm a few nights ago! The air was fresh, a rarity for Malaysia even at this early hour. Aunty Buan dropped me off at the hospital in time for me to arrive on Neurosurgical ICU for the morning ward round at 0800. I found Prof Tan and a Dr Palini (affectionately, Prof Palini) busy scribbling at a desk near a bed; I couldn't see the patient for half a dozen family members were crowded around it, some crying, one man wailing inconsolably, some standing still, shocked. I tapped Tan on the shoulder; he said hi, then motioned me to pull up a chair, which I did. I could now see that the form he was writing was a description of events for this patient; his colleague's form was in Malay but looked very official. The patient was a young Malay boy, not even ten years old. Apparently he'd been admitted a few days ago, having fallen from a couple of metres out of a tree, hitting his head. He'd come into the Emergency Department still obeying commands, though groggy and vomiting. CT revealed nothing but mild bruising, so the boy was admitted under constant observation. Unfortunately the neurosurgical team were in the OT when the ward called next time. The boy had lost consciousness, having deteriorated rapidly a few hours after admission. By the time the team had reassessed him he was coning. They performed an emergency bifrontal decompression craniotomy, but it was too late. Fast-forward a day, and there I was, witnessing the boy's family stood wailing by his bedside, their young child having just passed away ten minutes earlier. No parents should ever have to see that. There was nothing the team could have done. Life might be cheap in Malaysia, but nobody likes the passing of a young child.

Tan took me to the ED, a call to assess a patient who had just come in. 45 year old, motorcycle accident. Another one not wearing a helmet; obvious skin damage over the right side of his head, and a swollen, deeply bruised right orbit, consistent with a base-of-skull fracture. The CT confirmed it, massive haemorrhage in the right temporal and parietal lobes, midline shifted and potentially falcine herniation; there was also evidence of subdural bleed. The petrosal ridge had a fracture, the auditory meatus might be involved too. Assessment of the patient was not great news - pupils fixed and dilated. There was nothing anyone could do for him; another family to break bad news to. Life is cheap in Malaysia; annoyingly, not as cheap as motorcycle helmets and seatbelts.

This cheery start to the morning thankfully gave way to a more positive end to it. Tan patiently allowed me to tag along with him to catch up with patients he hadn't had a chance to see thanks to the paeds trauma in the ICU that morning; we entered the non-air conditioned adult male surgical ward, and noted patients to review were all in good stages of recovery; the same was said about the take on the female ward, and two had to be written up for surgery. If there was a patient involvement in the consent form, I didn't see it - this had either been done already, or wasn't needed here. Tan cannulated one lady, but the other wasn't present for pre-op bloods; he'd come back later for this patient. His phone rang; the consultant I thought. Maybe a reg. One call ended, it rang again, and again after that! Maybe bleeps aren't such a bad idea after all. We headed to another ward, not air conditioned either; a Chinese gent with a cap sat on a chair waiting Dr T's arrival, and acknowledged his presence. Tan disappeared into brown wooden doored side room, beckoning me to follow, and inviting the gentleman in once he'd opened a dressing set and washed his hands. This chap was a patient with Parkinson's Disease; but a year or so ago had been invited to have Deep Brain Stimulation - offered to many at the time by USM! Unfortunately, due to funding cuts, the service had to be withdrawn, but this patient was still benefiting from his DBS device, barely a sign of Parkinson's as he walked across the room, admittedly with a cane, and sat down for this routine appointment for his head dressing to be changed, oddly, I thought, by a senior registrar! The man's son was a qualified doctor in Manchester, England, and had trained there too! My browner skin colour obviously did me justice here - I was asked how long I'd been living in England for!

Prof Tan let me write the notes for a few more patients being reviewed, before he followed up two more cases that he'd seen previously, firstly the young boy from my first day who'd undergone a debulking of his frontoparietotemporal teratoma; he was still very weak on his right side, but this was improving; he was trying to talk again, but had poor control over the right side of his face still. Good to see he was improving though, especially after such a huge brain operation! The 2 week old with an encephalocoele was reviewed next, on the paediatric ward; he was still stable.

A few more jobs to get out of the way, and CTs to book for patients, and Tan very kindly offered to drive me to a place he was familiar with, for makan. We descended into the bowels of the hospital, and users of the underground carpark had conveniently (and owing to its fullness, statistically improbably) left him room to get his white saloon Toyota out of its space. We travelled a while, toward the centre of the town, and arrived at a Chinese-run eatery near a river flowing through a man-made drainage ditch, water visible only sometimes through its green weeds and lilies. The cafe consisted of the corner of a building, chairs and tables arranged under an overhanging roof, the gloomy kitchen off to one side. Prof Palini, who had been sitting with Tan earlier when I'd entered the ICU, was sitting at a table with his back to us, but recognised us as we arrived and beckoned us to join him. He'd just recently sat his exit exams, one year Tan's senior. The cafe having just run out of curried noodles (curry mee), we opted for rice, egg, and a nice vegetable soup, with iced Chinese tea, and chatted over the very nice meal which Dr P very kindly paid for.

On the way back to the hospital through the area of KB I still didn't recognise, we stopped at a stall serving fruit that Tan had obviously been to several times. It was the Malay equivalent of a Drive-Thru - a tiny stall on wheels parked up by the roadside, that you placed your order through the passenger window! For about RM5 he bought four packets of what turned out to be jackfruits with sugar that tasted slightly of sherbet. They were crunchy, refreshing, and surprisingly nice! Discussing the pros and cons of a life as a neurosurgeon in Malaysia - pro's being harder to identify than the cons which included massively long hours, small teams and a lifetime on-call, we arrived at the hospital, and walked through the main corridors to head our different paths, myself heading to the Jabatan Neurosains offices to sign the non-disclosure agreement mentioned many days beforehand by Prof Jafri.

Home now, typing this blog I sit watching a thunderstorm roll by to the south, noticing cousin Charles has posted a facebook picture of the exact same storm from his 12th floor window in Menara Mutiara. Even though the rain is falling loudly on the roof above, and the sky is overcast, it's still verging on hot outside. Chinese soaps are on TV again, and mum is busy boiling some chicken stock in the kitchen, the familiar aromas filling the bungalow, wafted by the ceiling fans.

Thursday, 24 April 2014

Blog 11: 24th April 2014. Finding Nemo

Over the hills and far away

Previous visitors to the hotel had described the sounds from the nearby mosque as ranging from very negative to highly positive if you happen to be that way inclined. We had totally forgotten this, until at 5am the incredibly loud recorded voice of the chanted calling to prayers burst through our door-frame and window like a rocket launch! I could now appreciate what the previous visitor had said, though to Emma and me this was a cultural experience, and I actually felt the voice was rather soothing, having no idea what it was saying. The prayer stopped after about 5 minutes of melodic chanting, and about 5 minutes later a short chant indicated the end of the session, I likened it to the all-clear from an air-raid warning! We went straight back to sleep, and had another hour or so before having to get up ridiculously early for breakfast.

It was about 7.30 when we entered the breakfast hall. The silver domes had a variety of curry, spice, rice and noodle dishes within them, steaming away on a soft paraffin flame. The breakfast room was simple, with tea and coffee the far corner next to the breakfast cereals and milk, and a toaster with bread and plastic pots of jam nearby. We couldn't really stomach a traditional Malay breakfast of curry and rice at this time of the day, so opted for the western choices of toast and jam and chocolate-flavoured cereal, with tea and orange juice, and sat talking and observing the ten-or-so other guests scattered throughout the room. We were up this early because the bus from the Langkawi Coral company was scheduled to pick us up from outside the hotel.

8am came and went. Emma and I, already in swimming-friendly clothing, were sitting by the main entrance to the hotel, in the car park, avoiding ants which were crawling around nearby flowerpots. Emma was sitting on a step; I chose this time to take the jack to the car and check the front-left wheel for loose bearings, or worse still, a loose wheel. Thankfully, nothing abnormal detected! People were sitting chatting and eating breakfast it the food stall on the opposite side of the road, the one we'd enquired about the laundry yesterday. A western couple in matching blue and pink jogging suits bounced past us, sweating profusely and bright pink. Nobody had told them about the climate. Admittedly at this time of the morning it wasn't too hot, probably mid-20's, certainly nowhere near as bad as we knew it would get once the sun shone from directly overhead. We watched as a few cyclists rode past, from the villages up the road to their places of work on Pantai Cenang, and a dozen motorcyclists and scooterists buzzed past, mostly on the wrong side of the road in the dirt, and none of them wearing helmets. Some had children on the back, of course helmetless too, t-shirts and shorts flapping in the breeze.

After a while of sitting there watching the island slowly awaken, we noticed increasing numbers of 56-seater coaches going up and down the road, bearing the logos of the travel agencies we'd seen in the airport yesterday. They were all the same colour scheme, white with a green lower portion, and the only differentiating feature was their unique logos. There was no sign of Langkawi Coral, or indeed Kasina - we didn't know which would provide the transport. I contemplated telephoning the number on the receipt for the trip, our pick-up having been booked solely on handwritten paper and by what seemed like a voicemail message yesterday, but incredibly the system worked and our coach finally arrived to pick us up, its pneumatics hissing and squeaking to bring it to a standstill in front of our carpark.
"Mr Jah-mez? Dua?" said the driver, looking at a ticklist of names;
"Yup, that's us!"
He gave us two purple wristbands and two stickers, without explanation, before ushering us into the vehicle. We climbed aboard, noting a scattering of orang-orang putih already aboard, dressed similarly to us, though worryingly some carried snorkels and masks and towels - we hadn't thought of that!!

Once we'd settled into our front right-hand seats the driver pulled away, though left the door open and kept the coach in 2nd gear. Before I begun to question why too much, he indicated to pull in and came to a stop outside the grander looking hotel just opposite the laundry, and tooted the horn. A couple more whites came out to meet the bus, and had their identities checked too. The guy was about my height and age but light haired and heavily built, with presumably his girlfriend accompanying him, slim with auburn short-cropped hair. Both were looking as sea-sidey as the rest of us, and both of them carried masks and snorkels with them too. We quietly hoped that these would be provided for us! Visas anyone? We learnt that our two seat-neighbours were from Germany, and that they had been recently staying in Shanghai at a friend's penthouse apartment. Lucky for some!

The coach took a right along the main strip of Cenang beach, stopping to pick up about 10 more tourists along the way, before heading out of town and turning back on itself but on a single-carriageway main road through the southern hills of the island, heading eventually toward the main town of Kuah which lay to the south of our beach but over the headland stretching far out to the south-east of us, about 12 miles away in a straight line. The driver was just as reckless as the one for the Concorde Inn KLIA, the coach's tyres surely digging-in heavily to the road surface as we performed some fast corners on route! We noted typical Malay homesteads passing us by, wooden shacks on stilts and the more modern concrete bungalows with porches and driveways, scattered throughout the fields and trees of the surrounding countryside. A few cars passed us in the opposite direction, but it was generally quiet until we reached the outskirts of Kuah itself, marked by an increase in the density of buildings and streetlights, as well as the cars and people dotted around. The coast was to our right all the way, though we couldn't see the water. The hills all sloped to the right, and we were on relatively flat land toward the end of our journey. Driving down the main strip of Kuah, and noting a large shopping mall with a sign for "DUTY FREE SHOPPING" attached to it, we hung a right and headed for a more scenic area, lined with trees and more decorative streetlights, with open spaces and large ponds scattered around it. This looked like a peninsula of land, and indeed it was. Our destination lay before us, a large but low-lying white-roofed shopping centre complex built around one of the main jetty, Jeti Kuah.

The thirty-or so of us disembarked from the bus and after milling around for a bit, followed a man in a red Langkawi Coral polo shirt across from the bus park toward a set of open-fronted booths set into one of the walls of the shopping complex, noting that one of the booths of displayed the Langkawi Coral logo. Our coachload joined with more people who had presumably arrived from other coaches, and we all gathered around a guy who looked like he was in charge, and over the hubbub of excitable tourists, we were instructed to put on our wristbands. Some people had red ones, others purple. We knew not why - maybe they were diving, as opposed to just snorkelling? It turns out we'd find out later. Wristbands donned, and payments taken from those who were yet to pay (not including ourselves), the leader took us through an archway of the shopping centre and stopped us next to a busy road where shoppers were being dropped off and collected by car. Again we waited, a queue forming by a few people next to a set of traffic lights, but nobody really knowing for what reason! Reassuring looks from others with equally negligible amounts of knowledge about the situation eventually put the whole group at ease as we stood there. I questioned why we were queuing, and whether I had time to buy an underwater camera, but with nobody of any particular authority to ask, decided to wait it out, after a brief discussion with Emma!

Eventually we heard a shout from the group leader, a middle-aged Malay man wearing a faded cyan t-shirt, again with the Langkawi Coral logo on its left breast-plate, and the crowd started to move toward the set of lights, ironically not led by those who had queued - typical. We trickled across the busy road, much like sand flowing through big boulders, and were led inside the shopping mall itself, toward a less busy area of it down a dimly lit corridor. We passed by several shops, most of which were closed for some reason, and some market stalls selling sweets and cuddly toys, manned by eager salesmen. Eventually it became clear where we were going, as signs to Customs started appearing and an unmanned desk, complete with rectangular grey metal-detector archway stood in the middle of the corridor we were heading down. We bypassed this, and continued through the now port area of the jetty complex, and eventually emerged at the covered quayside. It grew louder and hotter as we exited the air-conditioned shelter of the complex, the relative peace giving way to the sound of diesel engines and smell of raw and burnt diesel fuel oil wafting through the air. The high-pitched scream of a turbocharged diesel generator filled the air as the hundred-or-so of us approached a small twin-hulled passenger ferry, again with our familiar logo on its side.

By some quirk of logic, Emma and I were now amongst the handful of people leading the pack, following our Malay-speaking company representatives. We were told to wait a minute while everyone formed a rough queue to board our white and red catamaran. Our boat was one of a few moored up on this side of the dock; we saw on another jetty across the small patch of water a similar boat, but single-hulled, seemingly ready to go, its cooling water sloshing out from a discharge pipe low-down on its starboard side, and whiffs of black diesel smoke puffed from its funnel occasionally. There were a few faded multicoloured fishing vessels of all sizes dotted about the place too; some lengths of rope and black hoses lay scattered toward the middle of the concrete jetty protruberance. Eventually the all-clear was given, and the metal gate allowing access to the hand-railed gangway was opened, and with a clatter of feet-on-aluminium, our leading pack boarded the 30-or-so metre long catamaran first, arriving on its starboard stern muster area. We were ushered into the main cabin, away from the now roaring  noise of the turbocharged generators, and an accompanying hot blast of air from two large cooling grilles just before the wooden entry doors. The cabin was well lit by windows along its perimeter. A wooden bar area formed its aftermost part, protruding between the two main doors on either side. Seats were all forward-facing save for eight at the furthest end of the cabin against the forward bulkhead. There were rows of three seats on either sides of the cabin by the window, about 15 rows in total, separated from a central bulk of rows of eight seats by two main aisles. We headed forward, under the nautical-standard grey metal grills of the ceiling, up the right hand aisle and turned left along an aisle at the front, before electing to sit in the far left-most seats of the cabin, allowing us a good forward and port-side view from the right-angle of windows here. We waited as the remaining passengers trickled in and took their seats, filling up nearly every seat in the cabin. With a shudder and a quiet roar, we felt each of the two main diesels kick into life, adding to the noise of the generators and hum of conversations in the cabin. A couple of old cathode-ray 21" TVs on both sides of the cabin kicked into life, and started displaying a Welcome Aboard video, with scenes of Langkawi and its coral and tourist attractions displaying on the screen before the important yet unceremoniously ignored-by-all safety video came on, complete with inaudible commentary from small tinny speakers located in the now-rattling ceiling.

I took the time to look at the GPS; Langkawi, an island about 30km wide and 20km tall, was situated about 30km to the west of the coast of Malaysia, just south of the Malaysia-Thailand border and a short hop from the island of Phuket which lay to the north. We didn't have a clue where we were actually headed on this boat - I had assumed the destination to be a small atoll not far from the main island, but perusing the satellite view, found only one island within reasonable range of Langkawi itself, a kidney-bean shaped island named Pulau Payar. A quick Google confirmed this as a popular tourist destination to see coral reefs, and entering its latitude/longitude coordinates from a marine navigation website into my phone revealed it to be about 30km south-east of our current location at Kuah. The Malaysian peninsula lay beyond this island, its closest point being the town of Alor Star about 25km to its east. I hadn't realised we'd be going quite so far out to sea! This twin-diesel catamaran, complete with "Made in Australia" stickers on its windows, was probably manufactured by the Incat corporation of S.E. Australia, the same as made the 86m and later 112m cross-channel catamarans for Hoverspeed. Knowing this craft was capable of achieving about 35 knots (about 65kph) we would spend just over half an hour between ports, including manoeuvring time.

We eventually set off, the captain choosing to "spring off" from the jetty, pulling the aft away to the port-side before steering left and engaging the forward engines. We watched as the buildings of Kuah were left behind us as we gathered speed, neatly avoiding the numerous fishing and pleasure vessels dotted around the bay area between Kuah and another couple of large islands just to the south, Pulau Dayang and its smaller easterly neighbour Pulau Tuba. By the time we were clear of land and heading directly for the GPS waypoint I'd set earlier, we were already at speed, I was pleased to note we were travelling at approximately 35 knots, and after about 5 minutes we were allowed out on deck.

The waters of the Malacca Strait were calm as a millpond that day, the sun shining brightly overhead and only a few clouds scattered throughout the sky. We stood on deck, peering over the sides out to sea, hair being tousled by the gusting 60kph winds blowing salt spray at us from left, right and centre. We had to shout to be heard over the twin turbo-diesels, the wind, and the noise of the powerful wake as it was forcibly pumped behind the boat, Newton's 3rd law played out in full for all to see, should they have cared to look. A small hump of land could already be seen in the distance directly ahead of us, with another hump, just a dot, to its left. From where we stood the main hump looked thin and long, like Pulau Payar had looked on the map earlier. The occasional small wooden fishing boat could be seen in the near distance as we passed by at speed, and a couple of smaller touristy-looking boats could be seen passing in the opposite direction to us, about a mile away to the south-west. These would have been the boats we'd seen from the air as we made our final approach to Langkawi International yesterday.

We'd been travelling in a more-or-less straight line for about half an hour, when we were asked to return to our seats in the cabin; Langkawi was now a small, haze-faded feature on the horizon behind us, and our destination island was looming ahead of us. We could see it was rocky, and entirely covered in trees, with no sign of any sand on its coastline between the rocks and the azure waters surrounding it. Now inside, as we slowed, the boat passed directly between the north-eastern small island and the main island of Payar, and rounding the corner, taking a turn to the south-west, a small sandy bay suddenly came into view, complete with an large, white PTFE-covered offshore platform advertising Langkawi Coral, with various boats moored up to it. You could see people on the platform, and a selection of plastic chairs and tables were laid out on it at one end; at the other, a couple of wooden shacks stood, presumably kitchens, loos, generators and equipment stores. A long wooden jetty protruded into the blue waters from the middle of the sandy beach, just off-centre, and a couple of small boats shuttled people between it and the landing stage. A collection of small, inoffensive buildings lined the beach itself, just at the tree-line. People were already dotted around, but too far away to make out clearly.

The catamaran moored up to the jetty with a bump, starboard-side first, and the engines were shut down. Our friendly group leader stood up at the front, and explained the reason for the red and purple wristbands - some people, us included, with the purple bands were to be served a simple packed lunch and drinks by staff on the island itself. Others were to receive a sit-down buffet-style meal on the floating platform! Anyone wishing to upgrade to the buffet would have to pay an extra Rm200 each! No thanks. We let the red wristbands off first, and they filtered onto the landing stage. It was our turn next, and we were informed that once on the platform we'd receive our buoyancy aids (NB: NOT "life-jackets"), and be shuttled by smaller boat to the beach where we could then pick up our snorkels and masks. Overcoming the undulating action of the boat, we climbed across the gangway and walked around the platform's perimeter, joining a queue to collect our buoyancy aids. While waiting, Emma noticed that basically everybody else had a towel, and was wearing sandals. Two things neither of us had thought about! Never mind, it was a bit too late to turn around and go back.

We received our blue buoyancy aids and waited by a blank area of the platform for a small boat to appear, more like a floating golf caddy than a leisurecraft, complete with raised canopy suspended on poles. The captain of the craft held the bow of his ship against the platform by keeping full-revs on the engine, allowing people to board clumsily one by one, encouraged on board by a member of staff on the platform. We crashlanded into our seats, and by the time we'd noticed that the floor was actually glass and that you could see a few fish swimming around beneath in the water clouded by multiple propellers, we were reversing away from the platform and making way toward the jetty. A similar head-on collision with the jetty at the other end of the short hop allowed all the passengers to disembark from the shuttlecraft, and we disembarked up a flight of concrete stairs to a covered holding area, to allow stragglers to gather around. I have no idea how we always ended up at the front, but I suspect it might have something to do with the international Ministry of Slow Walkers and their accompanying lackadaisical mannerisms!

Selamat Datang ke Pulau Payar! The sandy beach, blue seas and jetty of the coral island of Payar.
The bunch shuffled along, straining to hear the words of our guide. Lunch would be at 1230 til 1330; please wear buoyancy aids at all times, especially if going east of the jetty. Snorkels and masks would be collected on the beach. Enjoy, but be sensible, don't chase the fish or steal any corals! Briefing over, we walked the length of the jetty, and scrambled across the concrete at its landward end toward the sheltered buildings along the beach. These turned out to be a mass of tables and benches, to be used for storing belongings and eating lunch on. We collected our snorkels and masks, our purple wristbands marked with a number with which to identify us later. It was already 1145, but we decided to ditch our belongings and trainers and head for the inviting water, donning our Factor 50+ (what did the "+" equal?!) and hiding our bags and tying them to some table legs for security!

I remembered that I had been to Pulau Payar a very long time ago. Back then it was quiet, there were no concrete buildings or hundreds of people, simply a couple of dozen with a tour guide. There was a wooden causeway lining the coastline along the beach and for a few hundred yards either side of it, which was designed to allow you to regard the sea and rocks beneath without getting your feet wet. This causeway, though still in existence, was now closed off to the public due to wear and tear. The water had also been cleaner back then, now standing on the edge the signs of the island being a popular tourist destination were all too clear, the occasional plastic bottle or crisp wrapper seen bobbing around in the more sheltered areas of the bay, and the water not being anywhere near as crystal clear as it had been 15 years ago! Never mind, it was still clearer than the Mediterranean, and still a darned-sight warmer than it when we stepped into it from the hot sand, sharp underfoot from millions of shell fragments. By the time we'd waded in up to our waists, about 10m from the small waves breaking on the beach, we could easily see dozens of little fish zipping around between our legs and around the water. At this point, mask in hand, Emma now revealed she hadn't the foggiest of how to snorkel, and so I gave a quick lesson. She wasn't keen to practise the snorkel clearing drill of blowing out hard to eject water! Irrespective of this, she took to it like a fish to water, and had no problem swimming around head down and admiring the sandy seafloor below us. The diving signal for "Are you OK?" is an O-shape between thumb and forefinger, with the three remaining fingers pointing upwards; "Go up to the surface" is a thumbs-up sign, and "Go down" is a thumbs-down sign. I always make sure I look for the three fingers perfectly straight in the "Are you OK?" - someone not willing to let on that they're not as OK as they'd like you to think may have bent fingers!

The bay was about 200m wide; about 200m from the shore there was a floating inflatable boom, complete with dangling net, marking the safe territory for swimmers. Observing the colour of the water changing from bright blue to dark green, it was clear that further out from our location lay the reefs, and reefs meant life and fish, so we initially headed to the right (based on my previous experiences of the area) to try to find interesting fish. Emma had hoped to see clown fish and the whole cast of Finding Nemo while we were out here! Nearing the right-hand-side reefs it became apparent that this was not in fact where the life was; only a few fish darted around beneath us, and the coral to my disappointment was not brightly coloured and filled with thousands of fronds of anenomes and seaplants swaying in the currents, but here was dull-coloured and for all intents and purposes, dead. It was a huge blow compared to how it had looked in the past. The odd thing about swimming over coral, especially when snorkelling, is that you can hear the giant organism breathing. As soon as your ears find the solace of the water, the busy sounds from the surface immediately cancelled out, you can hear clicking and crackling noises. It's like putting popping candy on your tongue, only the sounds surround you, and you can nearly "feel" them as much as hear them, from all around. Even this brown-coloured reef was cracking and popping, I have no idea as to what actually causes the sound. 

The coral reefs of the Malacca Strait, it turns out, according to a Wikipedia article anyway, suffered a terrible episode of bleaching only a few years ago, the sad impact of global warming and tourism. Despite being the cold truth of evolution in action, it was sad to see. Swimming over living corals is similar to being thrown head-first into a flowerbed, or being put into a blender with a Rembrandt. Everywhere you look you see colour, bright flashes of intense hues coming at you from everywhere, the fish needing to be colourful to be camouflaged from predators! Swimming with a bleached coral is like swimming through a graveyard. Every now and then a recognisable coral brain shape, or the classical spiky white forking skeletons can be seen poking up at you, but the colourful fish would have had nowhere to hide from the brown and black predators lurking in the crags of the reef. I consider myself very lucky to have the memories of swimming in this unique and treasured ecosystem before it was hurt so badly by global warming. Do it while you still have a chance!

We let the current drift us eastwards, along the bay to the far left, and the varieties and number of fish started to improve; there were now at least some colourful specimens of the marine world, brightly coloured blue or pearlescent white, and a few orange/white/black angel fish lazily swimming by. Occasionally you'd feel a sharp twang somewhere, and look down seeing a fish have a go at biting you like a mosquito would. A quick flick of the limb would be enough to discourage its attempt at eating you alive! The coral to the left, despite being nearer the boat drop-off area, also seemed more alive, though with only the hardiest of species. It was still predominantly brown in colour, you could see the marks and shapes where plants would once have graced its surface, though now within crags and cracks you could see petrifying-looking black spiny anemones, their hemisphere of dozens of 6"-long black spears poking out from a central black core. You really wouldn't want to stand on one of them! Some huge fish swam by us, easily half a foot long, and white/pearlescent in colour, accompanied by hundreds of smaller fish swimming past in a shoal. Unfortunately, no Nemo, but there were a couple of Dorys! I was delighted to see an increase in colourful vegetation coming into view, particularly in the more protected parts of the reef's superskeleton. The occasional bright flash of blue alerted us to the presence of incredible sinusoidal plants growing in similarly shaped crags, about half a foot long and a few inches wide. It is just possible that these are plants recolonising the once bright and beautiful reef. I sincerely hope so, because it's equally possible that they're the sole survivors of their golden days. 

Our stomachs and my Casio watch told us that it was lunchtime, so we headed for the shore and swam through the higher density of crowds not brave enough to venture far into the water. There were sunworshippers here too, blatantly they were Westerners, who didn't seem in the remotest bit interested in venturing into the water despite having paid to do so. I found it hard to excuse such a blatant waste of a trip! Never mind. We headed for our bags and finding a family already seated at that particular table, had to move further along the rows of tables to a pew at the far end from the food being served, and took our place near to some Chinese already eating their lunches. A friendly middle-aged Malay tourguide approached us, telling us that the Chinese never stop talking! We weren't entirely sure what would be appropriate to reply, nor indeed if our new tablefriends were fluent in English, so were very diplomatic and said "It's great that they can have so much to talk about!". If he was unimpressed by the answer he didn't show it. 

I left Emma to guard the bags and seats to go collect the food, and after battling my way to the front of the enclosure and front of the queue, had to return empty handed to look for the stickers we'd been given earlier! Damn. Second time lucky, and two foldable polystyrene trays in hand I approached the drinks counter, receiving two bottles of ice lemon tea. And then a problem happened! We also were to be given two oranges, and two bottles of water. Good God! I had swimming trunks on and no pockets, and now 8 irregularly shaped items to carry, with no shoes on, across a wet sandy floor, through throngs of unexpectedly-reversing tourists! The oranges went into my pockets, becoming a suddenly dangerous opponent to the weak elastic of my shorts! The bottles under one arm, the cans under the others, and the food in hand, I waddled my way back to the table at the other end, now seeming about 5 miles away, and crash-landed onto the table, bottles rolling away from my impact site. Ah well, any landing you can walk away from is a good one!

Lunch was rice, deep-fried chicken and a side-salad. Washed down with the tea, and finished with the orange, it wasn't too bad considering the whole trip plus food had only cost us £20 each! Our friendly Malay tour guide came back for a chat. He said he liked the English, which was lucky for us. He'd worked there nearly 15 years, and was probably working the day I'd visited so long ago. He recalled that the place used to be far less developed, and you had more freedom to explore back in those days. Ah well, we were here for the present. He offered us to join him and a family after lunch in swimming beyond the jetty (where buoyancy aids were "mandatory"), to see bigger and more fish in that area. We agreed that we'd join him, and finished our lunch relatively quickly to meet his schedule.

Back into the water we went, satisfactorily satiated, and headed in the direction from which we'd exited previously, the man's blue shirt and orange-tipped snorkel just visible above the waterline, surrounded by the blue buoyancy aids and snorkels of the family he'd mentioned. He was right, there were more fish here. The water was rougher here too, being funnelled against the rocky shoreline; the waves were quite high, at times leading me to fear being beached on the coral and possible anemones below! We ventured under the concrete jetty between its rows of cylindrical pillars, tourists waving down at us and taking pictures, and entered uncharted territory. We were the only group of swimmers in this area, the water now clear but very dark from the reef below. We saw the group, either Indians or Malays, intently looking downwards into the depths, as if they'd lost something. The coral below us was big, still brown but with some aspects of dark vegetation growing from it. A couple of big gaps in the coral revealed the sandy sea-floor below, at least 3 metres deep - quite a long way down compared to the main bay, where you could stand on tip-toe. We thought we saw what the family was looking at, a shoal of big fish lazily ambling (if fish can amble) in the swell. Pretty cool actually.

Then the fish scattered, like you see in movies! Whoosh. Gone. Darting for cover. Two other fish appeared in the void; slender, like missiles. Silver above, white below; two beady eyes looking sideways and forward, menacingly, and black-tipped pectoral and dorsal fins. About a foot long each, and looking like they could give you quite a bite. Reef sharks. That was what the family was there to see! The fish were right to be scared away; Emma and I who had drifted slightly from the family also hastily rejoined our own shoal of clumsy marine explorers - safety in numbers was a default setting in the human subconsciousness it seemed! The guides had said earlier that you'd lose a finger, or even a hand, or at worst, your life, if you antagonised the sharks; and the nearest hospital was at least an hour away, with no air-rescue services available. Incidentally they'd only told us this when we were standing on the island, boat already departed. Great! The sharks were wary of the floating blue and fluorescent human blobs, all staring and pointing, kicking up the water with their fins with blatant disregard for the rows of teeth behind the pointy noses of the predators. The unbreakable rule, when faced with animals of ferocity, is that you don't need to be the fastest to be safe: just faster than the slowest! There was no danger of Emma or me being the slowest among this group of splish-splashing people. We stayed for a while, bobbing up and down in the swell by the jetty, before moving to a different area of the reef to see what it had to offer.

We'd wished we had an underwater camera at this point, with the added variation in species and scenery, so I ventured back to the beach through the increasingly dense crowds, amorphous blobs with snorkels and bums in the air, oblivious to everything but the fish beneath them. Underwater cameras were sold, said our now landed tour leader, but thanks to our status as members of a captive audience, they were being sold for the crazy price of Rm100 (100 Malaysian Ringgit, or £20) - easily more than 5-times what they were actually worth! There were waterproof iPhone covers available too, for Rm150 - but that was even more excessive, and besides, I didn't have an iPhone (nor was I prepared to test my Galaxy S2's resistance to the Andaman Sea!). I asked for the underwater camera, and was told to wait. The guy got on his personal radio, a small PMR-446 type device, and spoke something into the microphone. He then turned to a young female colleague who started walking in the direction of the jetty. The guide informed me that the camera would be brought in by boat from the "mothership", and would be about 20 minutes. He'd come and find me when it arrived, and take the money then. Luckily Malaysian notes are all plastic, so I popped the two Rm50's into my pocket and rejoined Emma out in the water, who was casually bobbing up and down some way out, still looking for clownfish. 

We spent more time bobbing around and trying to find exotic fish species, with me checking the shore occasionally for our Malay tourguide. After a while, I spotted him looking for me, with a shiny metallic bag in-hand, so I swam over to meet him and he removed the Fuji disposable camera from its protective packet, and held out a hand for the two (soggy) Rm50 bills. After showing me the trigger and the winding levers on the camera, basically a cardboard disposable camera encased in a see-through rubber-sealed perspex box with protruding buttons, I said terima kasih and headed back to the water, winding the camera to the first shot as I did so, ready to use the 27-or-so exposures on the film.

I found Emma again, and after trying to pose for various shots underwater by holding our breath and pointing-and-hoping with the camera, I gave it to her to take a few photos that she wanted, while I bobbed around nearby looking at coral and enjoying the cracking sounds coming from below, some loud enough I swore I felt the vibrations. All of a sudden I heard a yelp! I looked up, just in time to see Emma take off - swimming rapidly toward shore - some of the best swimming I'd seen her do in a long time, camera still in hand. I reached out to grab her leg but she was too quick, and disappeared off! Amused, I followed. And followed. And followed. Until I had to overtake her and grab her arm before she stopped swimming. Breaking the surface, panting, she had a partly-scared, partly-relieved look in her eyes! She hurriedly explained something about a photo, a big fish and cramp. I had to get her to repeat, before I could understand what she was getting at! It turned out that she wanted to take a photo of a big fish that was casually swimming in front of her. Just as she was ready to take the photo, camera outstretched, apparently the fish had darted straight for her! Spooked, she had tried to swim off, but managed to get a cramp in her leg at exactly the same time! Unable to simply stand up on the bottom for fear of putting her feet in a spiky sea anemone, she had simply continued swimming for quite some time, with the aim of beaching! I didn't really know what to say! She laughed about it, eventually!

It was eventually time for us to get out of the water and dry off; though typically we'd forgotten to bring towels, so we opted to stand in the 35°C breeze in the sun by the water's edge, and dry off by evaporation - which was surprisingly inefficient! So we were still dripping by the time we had to get back to the beach hut to hand in our snorkels and masks, and even after the shuttleboat ride to the main catamaran, we understood why the Langkawi Coral boat had plastic-coated seats! We found a seat amidships, not near our window this time, and awaited departure. The sea was a bit rougher than before, and a few clouds had rolled in from the west, but it didn't look like it would rain anytime soon. The big diesels started up and before long we were on our way, departing the floating pontoon, still with people milling around it, mostly staff. Most of the people on board were fast asleep by the time we'd cleared the two islands of Payar, but Emma and me, still needing to dry off, opted to go out on the noisy and diesel-scented deck, to enjoy the sun and scenery, and take advantage of the 30-knot winds!

to be continued...

-authentic chinese food with knives and forks and lots of Russians

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Blog 10: 23rd April 2014. Hiring a car abroad

Three flights left to go...

It was a typical hot sunny morning by the time Emma and I left the room and had breakfast for the last time at the Concorde. For some reason we always chose cereal here, always served with thick UHT milk. The hotel shuttle bus took us to the airport, and we arrived at the terminal with plenty of time to spare, to check-in at the MAS desks housed on the top floor of the spacious multi-purpose terminal building. It was about the size of a football field, with departures above arrivals, themselves above the offices and these above the transport hub below containing the KL Ekspres train and bus station. The roof of KLIA was as spiky as the grandstands at Sepang F1 Circuit, but inside formed of brown wooden grilles high above our heads balanced on tapering concrete columns. There was an air of calm in the terminal, a low hubbub of voices just audible above the low rumbling of the air conditioning units and occasional sound of jet engines spooling up ready for take-off all echoing off the building's polished white and grey floor.

We were too early for lunch - MH1436, our flight, was at 13.10; our large and late breakfast would have to do until we arrived in Langkawi! We passed uneventfully through the security gates, this time to the far left of the terminal building as we were travelling internally. All electronics placed on a tray so as not to confuse the scanning man, shoes and belt off, and nothing metal on our persons. Domestic departures was far less exciting a place than International, consisting of only a small row of shops and some rather expensive bunches of Toblerones taped together in a 6 at a small cart selling sweets. The main KLIA terminal is a rectangular glass-fronted building, with northern and southern spars sticking out at the eastern side for domestic departures. International departures could take a short monorail ride from the main terminal to a cross-shaped building, similarly glass-fronted and airy inside, located between the airport's two main runways, each arm of the cross serving as aircraft parking and departure gates, arriving and departing passengers divided into two floors of the building.

We arrived at our gate, and with nobody at the desk simply took a seat and waited for the crowds to slowly trickle in. After about 15 minutes, sitting and talking, watching the occasional 737 taxi past out of the window, the 30 or so of us who had gradually gathered on the rows of seats were told to get up and leave the waiting area, and show our boarding passes at the desk we'd walked past, now finally staffed! We queued, showed our passes and passports, and sat back down in the seats from whence we'd come, continuing to look out of the window as our characteristically oval-nacelled white 737-400 was waved into its parking place by a man waving a couple of high-vis flags below us. These 737s were the workhorses of the MAS fleet, old versions slowly being replaced by the larger and newer -800 versions complete with silver wing-tips, sweeping skyward. Our -400 had no such tips, instead simply a bulbous trailing edge extension to the wing housing a white anti-collision light. The gantry was still attaching to the plane by the time the luggage cart driver had opened the main cargo door and climbed aboard; the fuel bowser driver hooked up his ground line and hose to the wing and the ground crew attached the yellow tow-bar to the nose-wheel by the time all the passengers had been offloaded. It was finally our time to board, and we took our place in the queue to board the plane, eventually sitting in row 25 seats E and F, on the right hand side, some way behind the wings near the back of the plane - leading to a rather bouncy experience when taxiing over the concrete pavement!

We departed to the north via runway 36-Right, spotting the grandstands of the Sepang race track disappearing behind us from our right-sided windows, before spotting the tall buildings of Putrajaya and KL in the distance as we climbed into the clouds. By the time they had served the in-flight peanuts and orange juice, less than 30 minutes into the 55 minute flight, we were already clear of the northwest coast of Malaysia, nearing the island of Penang, its snaking new bridge clearly visible below us connecting to the mainland of the peninsula. Cruising at 27,000ft we were at the top of descent, and the captain updated us on our progress - it was a nice day in Langkawi, if a bit hazy, and temperature about 33°C. Emma noted the plane change its attitude, and noting nothing but the water of the Andaman Sea outside was worried slightly that the pilot was going to land well before the island! I tried to reassure her with maths (ballpark descent rate figure divided into altitude gave about 15 minutes flight time remaining), but I think that this method doesn't work for everyone, I'm unsure as to why!! Needless to say, about 15 minutes later we levelled out at about 2000ft above the waves, easily spotting tourist vessels and fishing boats going about their daily business on the sea below us, before the flaps were extended fully, the landing gear went down with a dull thump, and the trailing edge vortices could be seen spiralling their way behind the wings. At last the greenery of the island of Langkawi appeared out of the window, the main harbour of its capital town of Kuah sprawling out infront of us before disappearing behind a hill and giving rise to a white sand strip of beach parallel to a road lined with hundreds of low buildings, the Cenang Beach area of Langkawi, near where we'd be staying. We landed with a bump on Runway 03, famous due to the theories of the disappearance of MH370 in that it is a huge runway, nearly 4km in length!

The short walk to the small terminal building started with disembarking the plane from the back door, by a set of metal steps wheeled up to us, the blast of the Malaysian mid-day heat combined with the exhaust from the slowly spinning turbines equating the experience to opening an oven door. Entry to the terminal through a set of sliding glass doors revealed that baggage reclaim was to the right, separated from the tarmac by a wooden door flapping in the breeze, upon it a large sign reading ironically "keep closed and locked for security and safety purposes". A group of tourists crowded around a large map of the island placed inside a glass cabinet against a pillar, we took a glance and opted to photograph the map for later perusal. Our bobbles arrived in good time on the conveyor, and we took our cases from the belt before heading to the far right side of the arrivals hall, lined with a dozen small desks with tourist agency names in bright signage above them, eager company reps attracting the eye of unsuspecting tourists shouting "you want hire car?" "hotel cheap!" "diving tours here!". Emma had thought ahead, and brought up a TripAdvisor page about Langkawi, listing three hire car companies that were considered reputable by previous visitors. We chose Kasina car rental as it was the only one here matching our list; oddly, its sales assistant was a quiet lady keeping herself to herself, not leaning over her counter waving brochures like the rest. Her neighbouring stall owners seemed both surprised and dejected by our choice, though we had a sneaky suspicion that the young Malay chap to her right was actually a relative of hers, possibly her son, by the amount they chatted and shared information and phonecalls while we were booking in!

Car rental was cheap, Rm180 including deposit for 3 days (equating to just over £30, i.e. £10 a day!). We would pay her when we left the arrivals hall and passed through customs; then the car keys would be handed over to us. Noticing that Kasina was also a travel agent, I enquired about snorkelling experiences, and luckily such a thing was possible for a further Rm200 for the pair of us, including hotel pickup and drop-off for tomorrow morning, so we chose to do this too!

We passed through customs with our sales assistant in tow, and proceeded to the cash machine to pay her, where she handed us over to a Malay chap about our age who took us to the car. I had tried to refrain from signing the acceptance slip but she had insisted, so without looking at the car first we followed our new guide, receipt already received. I was filming the events, however! Langkawi airport was a single-storey, though high-ceilinged rectangular building, wider than it was deep. The arrivals hall occupied the top-right of the building if you looked from above, the departures hall the top-left, and the main concourse, before security, occupied the whole southernmost side; it contained numerous shops and eateries, from McDonalds to more extravagant noodle outlets. Camera accessories were available on the side furthest from the tarmac. A jet ski with three fluffy minions riding it stood proudly under a paragliding parachute suspended from the ceiling, advertising local company "Naam" and their adventure packages. We took a rain-check on this, but thought of perhaps investigating later. Langkawi is an entirely duty-free island so is slightly cheaper than the rest of Malaysia, especially for alcohol, although export limits restrict the amount you can take home with you!

Our hire-car helper led us across the carpark out from the front of the terminal building, firstly via a pedestrian tunnel capped with a blue translucent awning that did the opposite of what it was intended to - instead of shading from the sun, the temperature beneath the radiating awning felt a good 10°c hotter than the surrounding breezy car park! Never mind. We approached our car, a small silver runaround (Perodua Viva, known to us in the UK as the Nippa), about the same size as the old model Corsa B. It had seen better days, but we were assured it was all roadworthy and good to take away immediately! I stopped to photograph it from all angles, just in case they claimed the numerous dents in the side and the hanging-off rear wiper were our doing. The petrol gauge read empty on clicking the key to auxiliary - we were advised to return it in a similar state! Our man turned the key to start and she ticked into life immediately, air-con on full, no warning lights on the dashboard. The petrol station, the guy said, was just to the right of a set of traffic lights as you exited the airport to the left, so adjusting our seats and loading our luggage, we said thanks and climbed into the car. We nearly didn't get very far - while we were faffing with the luggage a guy in a silver Proton had parked directly in front of our bay, so our first real interaction with the locals of Langkawi was a quick toot on the horn, following which after friendly waves and gestures he backed up and let us out of our space to battle the traffic exiting the airport carpark. Immediately jumping to my attention was a dreadful creaking noise coming from the left front wheel, I hoped it was just a bearing rather than the wheel about to fall off; cranking the steering to full deflection either side didn't seem to show any defects and nor did heavy braking, so I tentatively drove to check the roadworthiness of the vehicle before taking it to speed on the roads. "This is a small island, no speed limits to bother with, just don't go above 100kmh!" the man had said. OK then!

Our little carriage awaiting us

We followed the turn left, then right at the lights instructions, but, petrol light flashing, could we find a petrol station? Could we 'eck! I wasn't particularly worried because we had the guy's number, but my copilot was cautiously anxious! It turns out that the great machine that is Google hasn't really taken off in Langkawi yet, searching for Petrol took the map screen a few hundred miles away to the mainland. Not quite what we wanted! Luckily I spotted a green teardrop sign, the Petronas logo buried amidst other signs on a lamppost that we drove past, with a small black arrow indicating ahead and left, and the letters "5km" beneath it. Fingers crossed that our game of petrol roulette would last us that long!!

The road from was wide, with only a handful of cars other than our own making their way along it. It was covered with a fine layer of golden sand, and the odd piece of litter floated around in the afternoon breeze. The edge of the road was poorly defined, sort of blending gradually into the sandy greenery beyond. We passed Langkawi's international exhibition centre, an arch across the road still advertising last year's International Aviation Expo. Damn, we missed it! A smattering of other buildings populated the road on either side as we drove along, some businesses with open shop fronts, some residences; from time to time big rusting advertising banners tried to attract us to buy motor oil. The greenery of the island was all around us, open fields with buffalo grazing on them, interspersed with wooden houses on stilts, leading to the mountainous centre of the island a few km into the distance.

We took a right at the end of the road, stared down upon by yet more billboards, and headed toward a less developed part of the island, with a greater density of grey concrete houses and dusty cars parked in driveways. Kids on mopeds buzzed around, overtaking slower vehicles or staying well to the left of the road, in the grit, if they were going too slowly. None of their riders wore helmets of course. Some mopeds which appeared to be two-up, on closer inspection were actually three-up, the third passenger revealed to be a small child sandwiched between the two adult riders!

The orange gearbox-shaped engine management light decided to blink to life, so with the low petrol gauge we now had two warnings screaming at us from the dashboard, and our Petronas logo had chosen to direct us in the direction of the mountains! 3km to go. The road was getting narrower, still two ways but not as spacious as before. I tried to save as much petrol as possible by being easy on the gears, smooth on the accelerator and allowing the idle-cutoff servo to do its job on downhills or deceleration but to my utter annoyance one of Malaysia's finest drivers happened to be ahead of us, nearly coming to a standstill on every slight turn as we progressed into more hilly areas of the winding road. We couldn't overtake for two reasons - firstly, we'd be killed by oncoming trucks, and secondly we'd push the petrol consumption up! So we sat there, by now both of us concerned about the pump sucking up the last of the liquid in the tank!

Emma the navigator was telling me we were rapidly approaching the island's famous cable car station, and that meant mountains - not the best tactic for saving petrol, but the only one we had. We snaked our way along the undulating road, and after a particularly steep ascent we were glad to see ahead of us that the road was now descending again. We had rounded what must have been a headland, and were coasting in the direction of the settlement of Kampung Kok. Less than 1km to go said the green teardrop; finally around a corner, the welcome sight of a Petronas logo, and the petrol station, sitting to the left of the road, a gorgeous coastline and bay coming into view to left of it and the road. As we approached the petrol station, we noted a white amphibious Duck was filling up too - useful information to save for a later date!

Petrol in Malaysia is ridiculously cheap by our Western standards, costing about Rm2.30 a litre. Apparently this is actually a subsidised price by the government - how's about that, subsidy, not tax! Rm2.30 works out to be about 40 British pennies. What a bargain! We put in Rm25, just over 10 litres, enough to get us 100 miles assuming about 40mpg of the little car. The petrol seemed cheap, but then on thinking about it, the average Brit earns about £1500 a month, and we pay £1.30 per litre; the average Malay earns less than Rm1000 per month, and pays Rm2.30 a litre - so really, we can see why the government is forced to subsidise petrol, the relative cost of petrol is over twice that of ours, even though Petronas has huge refineries and oil fields around the country.

Petrol in the tank, with a sigh of relief from both of us we turned the car around and headed back up the mountain road toward the airport; our hotel, The Villa Langkawi, was situated near Cenang Beach (Pantai Cenang), on the opposite side of the airport to that which we were currently located! Getting a tiny bit lost in a village while trying to re-trace our petrol-hunting steps, and again while trying to find the hotel (actually driving straight past it without noticing and continuing on for a couple of miles) we finally arrived. The modern yet minimalistic red, white and grey concrete building stood out like a sore thumb amidst the wooden shacks and roadside eateries of its neighbourhood; a small mosque stood next door, its dome and tower noticeable but not dominating the area. Slightly down the road, a larger hotel stood proudly behind a wall guarding it and its car park. Up the road stood a selection of small houses, bungalows, concrete, and none of them looking particularly well maintained. The road was quiet save for a few motorbikes and cars whizzing along from time to time. We parked up easily in the empty car park, which previous visitors to websites had described as "lacking". First job: unload. Second job: check the reason for the engine management light. Third job: check-in! Fourth job: find a laundry!

First job - done. Yellow and black cases, complete with bobbles, sitting in the sunlight. Job two revealed that the cooling water tank filler cap had come off and there was no water left in the system. There was no expansion tank like in UK cars, but instead a low pressure reservoir. Job 2 part A: find some water!

The hotel was a single storey construction, its minimalistic modern style including a rectangular entranceway leading to a corridor opening out to the left of a lovely blue swimming pool, also rectangular. Some rooms overlooked the right-hand side of the pool behind large curtained windows. A few chairs and tables rested to the left of the pool, between it and more windows, this time floor-to-ceiling, running the length of the reception area and what appeared to be the breakfast hall, complete with tables and chairs already laid out, and silver food domes neatly placed in a row along a central island. We walked to a pair of glass doors mid-way along the pool, and entered the reception area, paying a Rm50 deposit but our stay already paid for via months beforehand. Third job complete - the keycard for room 113 was handed to us. Breakfast was served from 6.30 til 10, but there was no bar or food facilities here outside that time. Fourth job - price per laundry item was ridiculously high, we'd find another way later.

Good enough to be a brochure shot. The swimming pool and rooms of The Villa Langkawi, photograph taken later that evening.

Further down the swimming pool, beyond the end of the breakfast hall and swimming pool and opposite a triplet of black massage chairs, for some reason incredibly popular in Malaysia, the door to our room was within a concrete rectangular tunnel. Entering and turning on the light, we found the room was minimalist but to a good quality, the heavy wooden door impressing me firstly, and two towels neatly rolled and placed like iced buns upon the neatly made bed. A safe sat on a white makeup desk across the room from us, to the right of which a mirror hung on the wall. We placed our cases down. The bathroom was a good size, and made from grey polished stone, with white porcelain features and a good quality rain-effect shower behind a glass divider. Nothing to complain about!

As much as we both wanted to lie down and relax after our day of travelling, and after a bit of persuading poor exhausted Emma who was so drawn in by the prospect of the relaxing blue swimming pool only metres away, I filled the kettle in the room with water to complete Job 2A - and we sneaked it past the glass fronted reception desk and past a pair of intrigued staffmembers. I can imagine their conversation went something like "Tsk. British! Whatever next" *roll-eyes*. Car now filled up with water again, Job 2A could be checked off the list. The laundry was next. We returned the kettle to its rightful holder, probably to the relief of the watching staff (damn those glass walls), and locked the room, leaving my BMA Membership card in the power slot to keep the air conditioning running. Leaving the hotel we crossed the dusty road and approached a stall advertising AIS BLENDED MANGO/ORENGE/APEL JUICE, and COCONUT JUICE.

Despite having advertised coconuts, the girl serving the stall did not understand what "coconut" meant - instead shaking her head and shrugging her shoulders (despite the pile of green coconuts in the corner). Never mind,
"ais mango dua!" I said, and she promptly started shovelling ice-cubes into a blender and filled it with mango juice.

Once the noise of the rattling and slushing had stopped, Rm4 handed over (about 80p), I asked,
"Di mana 'laundry'?"
another blank look. She disappeared from view into the wooden kitchen to the left, and another lady popped out.
"Di mana laundry?" She pointed at and shouted something to her friend washing dishes at the back of the small shack's plastic seating area, who looked at us and said,
"Laundry? That way (pointing in the direction of the beach). Five minutes, walk".
Thumbs up. "Terima kasih!" We walked off in that direction, drinking deliciously quenching ice-blended mango juice. It turns out that the word for coconut was kelapa, and had I known that, we would have been holding two delicious ice-filled coconuts, straws poking out of their axe-made craniotomies. Never mind!

We were a few score feet from the drinks stall when "Allahu akhbar!" suddenly filled the air from the massive loudspeakers of the nearby mosque. Imagine a Christian church doing that back home, there'd be riots! Not one of the dozen or so native Malays scattered throughout the nearby stalls even flinched, all instead carrying on with their daily routine, smoking or reading the newspaper. The call to prayer continued, and walking past a dozen or so more wooden shops and buildings to the right we finally stumbled across a larger hut, with a few workers inside tending to large washing machines, a woman outside sorting out linen.
"Buka?" I asked. (Open?)
"Yes. Until 10pm! 8 Ringgit for a service wash, collect tomorrow" (our white faces gave the game away).
"Ah OK lah. Terima kasih!"
"You're welcome". Smiles all around.

Back at the hotel we chose simply to wash some clothes by hand in the sink. We only needed 3 days' worth before heading to KB. If we hadn't buggered up the visas, we'd have had plenty from a planned laundry trip in Perth, but never mind. Laundry left to soak, we changed into swimming gear, and at last headed for the inviting pool! It was delightfully cooling, and though being as salty as the tourist reviews had said it was, it was clean and clear. Seawater probably. We spent a good half an hour just lazing around, me swimming and doing lengths underwater as always, Emma opting to be less energetic and soak up the sun's rays. Refreshed, we headed back to the room to rinse off the salt, and got dressed in smarter clothes to go for dinner at the beach.

It was only a short car journey, the engine management light still on despite the water. Turning left down a side road before arriving at the main strip of Panta Cenang, I hoped to find the wooden waterfront restaurant that I'd eaten in with dad back in 2000. The Langkawi Holiday Resort and Spa was a sprawling complex, and in fact the one we thought we'd booked into until only a few days prior, owing to the poor utilization of Google by businesses in the area. It was at least a 4-star resort from the looks of it, traditionally themed wooden-frontage buildings but surely over a metal/concrete substructure. A central hallway linked the entranceway to the back of the building, where I knew the beach to be. We weren't guests, but dressed smartly and walking with purpose, nobody batted an eyelid as we walked through the complex. Past an open-air bar to the right, complete with musical stage and roadies preparing instruments presumably for a show later in the evening, we emerged from the building next to the hotel's luxurious and large curvaceous swimming pool, surrounded on all sides by the main building, outdoor restaurant and two room blocks, amidst a landscape of tasteful shrubs and curving cobble paths. A few dozen swimmers and splashers were enjoying their evening dip. We walked on, toward the beach; palm trees ahead of us swayed in the breeze, and we could see the blue sea stretching out beyond a strip of white sand. A small wooden hut formed an open but sheltered bar area, complete with stools. No sign of our old restaurant, though. A paraglider took off, complete with the roar of twin 150hp Evinrude engines of its towboat. Jetskis whizzed around in the distance, the spurts of water from their watercooling pumps firing high arcs of water behind them. The beautiful Cenang beach stretched for a couple of hundred yards to the left, before ending in a tree-covered rocky headland; to the right it curved around for miles, forming a bay. Directly in front of us, out across the water, the small tree-covered island of Pulau Epor lay about a kilometre offshore. We heard an AirAsia Airbus A321 roar into the air from the runway about 3 miles away to the right, taking a gradual climbing turn to the left, leaving our view to the left having flown parallel to the beach during its climb. A european tourist stood meditating into the warm onshore breeze, her red sarong flowing in the breeze; children played in the surf, a few venturing out further into the water to swim. It was a little slice of heaven, the low sun just to the right of Pulau Epor reflecting off the calm tropical water. We stayed for a little while, admiring the scenery, before heading to the modern-looking open-air and covered bar/restaurant that we'd walked past on the way to the beach, from the swimming pool.

Cenang Beach, complete with paraglider and paddlers.
The restaurant was as modern as the rest of the spa resort, with glass panels and a tastefully lit bar. It was shaped a bit like a mobile concert stage, closed at the back, used for an air-conditioned, glass-walled dining room, and open at the front, the ceiling serving as an awning for the tables in the main area. It opened out onto a few more tables outside placed around its main attraction, a stunning infinity swimming pool, with a now reflecting the evening sunset. A couple of palm trees were dotted around the pool's perimeter, amidst a few cushioned deck chairs and softly glowing light cubes, like those you'd see in an Ikea showroom. To our surprise and slight disappointment, the restaurant served mainly western foods, but we ordered from the small Local Cuisine section of the menu, and chose a pepsi and ice lemon tea to drink. We'd started by sitting outside by the pool, but noticing some ominous clouds building to the northeast behind the restaurant, we moved inside under the cover of the awning. A plasma TV showed a football match between the team of the Malaysian state of Negeri Sembilan and another - it all seemed normal, except for there being NOBODY in the grandstands behind them. Very odd.

The sun set; thousands of lights flickered to life out in the bay, the softly glowing cubes now brightly shining against the subtly lit background of the swimming pool. Strings of lights wound around palm trees provided a soft orange glow in the background, enough to see dozens of large bats flying around in the newly darkened sky. The meal was lovely, if served a little bit slowly, and was of a sensible price. We didn't do anything else that evening, instead opted to head home and chill, ready to get up tomorrow for our long day at sea!