Junior Doctor

This is my blog, that of the BMA Representative and a Junior Doctor at the Norfolk & Norwich Hospital, during the year the profession faced the most threat to its future than it had since the inception of the NHS itself in Aneurin Bevan's days. 

I started work at the NNUH in July 2015, and it has been a rollercoaster of a ride so far. But we stick at it. Some days you can't wait to get home; other days there just doesn't seem enough time to breathe freely, let alone go for a loo break or, God forbid, have lunch! Other days yet, things can seem to be mounting up against you from all directions but suddenly out of the blue a patient, or their relatives, will say something so meaningful, so touching, that you remember why you became a doctor. And it is for those days, and the knowledge that we are keeping our patients alive and well, that we became doctors. Sod the politics, at the end of the day, we're here to help, and we hope every night that we have done just that.

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